For your information and convenience, we have compiled a list of most frequently asked (general) questions by many of our clients. For more specific, product related FAQs please refer to our menu on right or these can be found within their product categories as well, where applicable.
Does Ability have an agent in all the states around Australia ?
Ability has an agent in every state of Australia. Please view our ‘Where to Buy’ section within our website for further details. Please note that not all agents carry our full range of products and that our head office is located in Melbourne.
Where can I purchase Ability products?
Ability’s Warehouse and main office are located at:
2/18 Metrolink Circuit, Campbellfield, Victoria, 3061, other Suppliers can be viewed on this site at the Where to buy section.
How do I pay for the goods?
We accept credit card, cheque and cash.
How much does it cost to transport interstate?
Pricing varies based on quantities of product ordered - please speak to our friendly staff who can give you an estimate based on your requirements.
How long will the goods take to get to Sydney, Brisbane etc?
From our Melbourne Warehouse, upon receiving an order before 10 am on a working day, we can have the product sent to Sydney by two working days. Other locations around Australia can take up to five working days depending on the distance and the quantities ordered. Smaller samples in the post can be received within two working days or, by agreement, can be sent by overnight post for the next working day and in some cases, postage and handling expenses may be charged.
Does Ability have samples?
Ability have a variety of pigment and other product samples depending on our client’s needs.
Within our website you may view on line samples of our abilox® Colour Specifier colour range (please note that colours are only approximate) and hard copies of our Colour Specifier can be ordered via email or over the phone from within our ‘Contact us’ page.
How do I estimate how much pigment I will need for rendering / bagging?
As each product and quantities vary, we advise you to check the Product data Sheets (PDS) for each specific Ability product found within each product section within this website. Please click on our abilox® how to estimate quantities pdf for a simplified calculation.
Do we sell colours / pigments for concrete and mortar for bagging?
Ability sells pigments for concrete as well as our own ready-to-use coloured mortar for wall / rendering and bagging called Fulltone Mortar 8.
For coatings - what is the coverage? How much do I use?
As all coatings vary, it would be advisable to check the corresponding product data found on the specific Product Data Sheets found within this website.
Can I buy concrete from Ability?
Ability does not sell concrete - we manufacture pigments for concrete and other related construction products.
Does Ability have Concrete ‘stains’?
We recommend Ability’s Dy-On-Crete® Mark 2 or duro paint™ with it’s 20 year guarantee* (*conditions apply).
Do we have a suitable product for large cracks in driveways etc?
Yes, we recommend Ability’s duro paint™ as a flexible filler.
Do you have a product that will stop the white salt forming on the newly laid concrete? Does Ability have a product that will remove it?
This ‘white salt’ effect is known as efflorescence. Ability has a product which is unique in the market place called Efflorein® Mark 2 which when mixed with the concrete before it is poured eliminates this problem. Unfortunately after the concrete is set this streaking is very difficult to eradicate so we recommend an application of colour matched duro paint™ with it’s 20 year guarantee* (*conditions apply) as it has the durability and qualities required for a heavy duty areas such as concrete pavements - particularly driveways.
Does Ability make ‘to order’ colours not found in the abilox® specifier
colour range?
Yes, Ability can colour match for large, special orders.
I want to match a colour - is it possible to do so from your sealer range?
Yes, Ability has a minimum quantity order requirement of 10 x 10 litre Pails of Dy-on-crete® Mark 2.
Do you have a superplasticiser?
Yes, Ability has Cosmotron® DPU-AC.
Do you have an admixture product that will waterproof?
Yes, Efflorein® Mark 2 has excellent waterproofing qualities.