We've moved! We're excited to announce that we are now operating from new premises at
2/18 Metrolink Circuit, Campbellfield, 3061

Where to Buy

Contact our friendly and efficient Sales Agents in your state for ordering and pricing. Please note that not all of our Agents carry the full range of Ability products.

Click on a state to show stockists...


Ability’s Head Office and Warehouse
2/18 Metrolink Circuit, Campbellfield, Victoria, 3061
Phone: 03 9457 6488 Fax: 03 9458 4683

Croydon South
Allcon Group
50 Merrindale Drive, Croydon South VIC 3136
Phone: 03 9839 7000 / 1300 255 266 Email: [email protected]

Carrum Downs
Wolter Steel Pty Ltd
1 Sonia Street, Carrum Downs VIC 3201
Phone: 03 9788 5444

Wolter Steel Pty Ltd
31 Carbine Way, Mornington VIC 3931
Phone: 03 5975 5244

Barry Medew Building Supplies Pty Ltd
85 Barwon Terrace, South Geelong VIC 3220
Phone: 03 5222 3161 Fax: 03 5221 2414

Danly Pty Ltd
362 Thompsons Road, North Geelong VIC 3215
Phone: 03 5278 3599 Fax: 03 5278 9376

W B Hunter Pty Ltd, Head Office
121-135 Corio Street, Shepparton VIC 3630
Phone: 03 5821 5744 Fax: 03 5831 2609

W B Hunter Pty Ltd, Echuca Office
148 Ogilvie Avenue, Echuca VIC 3564
Phone: 03 5482 1616 Fax: 03 5482 4398

Eaglehawk Hire Service Pty Ltd
92 - 94 Wood Street, Eaglehawk VIC 3556
Phone: 03 5446 7877 Fax: 03 5446 3342

Ballarat Building Supplies Pty Ltd
117 Main Road, Ballarat VIC 3350
Phone: 03 5332 1861 Fax: 03 5333 3480


Ability® Sydney Office
Phone: 02 7912 3568

South Strathfield
Sam The Paving Man
53-57 Cosgrove Rd, South Strathfield NSW 2136
Contact: Sam Harb (For EFFLOREIN Mark 2 only)
Phone: 02 4970 4295

Taylor Made Continuous Concrete Edging
East Tamworth NSW 2340
Phone: 0413 307 765


Hobart + Launceston
Build Tech Supplies Pty Ltd - Head Office
34 Derwent Park Road,
Derwent Park TAS 7009
Phone: 03 6273 5800 Fax: 03 6273 4977


CE Industries Pty Ltd
30 Geelong Street, Fyshwick ACT 2609
Phone: 02 6280 6010 Fax: 02 6280 7220


Ability® Adelaide Office
Phone: 08 7160 3228

Bianco Building Supplies Pty Ltd
178 Gorge Road, Newton SA 5074
Phone: 08 8336 6666 Fax: 08 8336 6655


Ability® Brisbane Office
Phone: 07 3497 3911

Lyndon Agencies - Head Office
37 Victoria Street, Windsor QLD 4030
Phone: 07 3857 7788

Lyndon Agencies
215 Evans Road, Salisbury QLD 4107
Phone: 07 3274 4199

Gold Coast
Lyndon Agencies
2 Ern Harley Drive, Burleigh Gardens QLD 4220
Phone: 07 5593 5050

North Cairns
Lyndon Agencies
428 Sheridan Street, North Cairns QLD 4870
Phone: 07 4053 4000 Fax: 07 4053 4461

Lyndon Agencies
19 Ginger Street, Mackay QLD 4740
Phone: 07 4952 5667 Fax: 07 4952 1688

Lyndon Agencies
473 Bayswater Road, Garbutt QLD 4814
Phone: 07 4774 7877 Fax: 07 4774 7611

CE Industries Pty Ltd
39 Webb Drive, Bohle, Townsville 4818
Phone: 07 4774 5466 Fax: 07 4774 5488


Ability® Darwin Office
Phone: 08 7905 7071

Associated Masonry Supplies Pty Ltd
436 Stuart Highway, Winnellie NT 0821
Phone: 08 8984 3269 Fax: 08 8947 0504